Hydrogenated Rapeseed Alcohol

Emollient // Hair conditioning // Skin conditioning // Viscosity controlling

COSING REF No: 56665
CAS Number
IECIC 05415

Simply put, hydrogenated rapeseed oil is a non-fragrant plant oil that’s been put through the hydrogenation process. This type of hydrogenation involves adding hydrogen gas to the oil, making it more stable and also changing its texture, typically changing from a fluid (oil) state to a semi-solid state.

On skin, hydrogenated rapeseed oil works as an emollient, thickening agent, and occlusive. As a plant oil, its antioxidants (chiefly a compound known as sinapinic acid and vitamin E) plus polyunsaturated fatty acids such as the highly stable omgega-9 erucic acid help ensure skin looks and feels healthy and younger by preventing water loss, repairing skin’s surface, and bolstering skin’s supply of antioxidants.

Hydrogenated Rapeseed Alcohol is contained in…